Con Safo: Introduction

Con Safo is considered one of the earliest Chicano art groups, founded with the mission to create commercial opportunities and foster community amongst Chicano artists in San Antonio. The group was started in 1968 in San Antonio by Felipe Reyes with founding members Jesse Almazán (1937-2002), José Garza (1947-2021), Jesse “Chista” Cantú, José Esquivel (1935-2022), and Roberto Ríos. All founding members were from the Westside of San Antonio and were commercial artists or soon-to-be fine arts students at San Antonio College (SAC) and Trinity University.

The group underwent three name changes: beginning with El Grupo/El Grupo Seis from 1968 to 1970, then Los Pintores de Aztlán/Los Pintores de la Nueva Raza from 1971-1972, and finally Con Safo from 1971-1976. During each name change, the group underwent structural and membership changes, yet their mission to uplift Chicano artists always remained.

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Con Safo Artists, ca. 1972. Left to right: Santos Martinez, Jesse Almazán, Carlos Espinosa, Robert Ríos, Felípe Reyes, José Esquivel, Vicente Velasques, Mel Casas, José P. Garza. Courtesy of the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution.

Trinity alumni who were members of the group include: Felipe Reyes, José Garza, Raulo Solis, Santos Martinez, Roberto Gonzalez, Thelma Ortiz Muraida, and honorary members Ellen Riojas-Clark and Joe Bernal.

The following pages will provide an overview of important moments in Con Safo’s history and highlight exhibits that took place at Trinity University and/or were sponsored by Trinity. For a full list and description of exhibits, refer to Ruben Cordova’s Con Safo: The Chicano Art Group and the Politics of South Texas.