International Studies Major

Trinity first offered an International Studies major in 1981, and as you can see the International Studies major offered a concentration in Inter-American Studies. The requirements for the major were as followed:

"I. The general curriculum (pp. 31-33)

II. Specific degree requirements:

  • 12 semester hours of courses from the International and Comparative Studies Program's Common List. The student's selection from this list is to be approved by the advisor of the chosen specialization.
  • 24 semester hours from one of the Specialization Lists. Courses which appear on both lists can only be taken from one.
  • No fewer than 27 semester hours of the work taken under A and B should be upper division courses.
  • Such foreign language and other requirements as the several specialization committees may determine (see the description of the specialization below).
  • Only courses with the grade of C or above may be counted toward fulfillment of the specific degree requirements"

To hear more about how the institute was initially created from Dr.Poitras, click on the audio player below.

Additionally, those majoring in International Studies were highly enocuraged to spend at least one semester studying abroad and could chose a concentration: European Studies, World Affairs, or Inter-American Studies. Each of these concentrations are explained in greater detail by the 1986 Courses of Study Bulletin:

"A.European Studies. Emphasizes comparative approaches to the arts, letters, and the humanities in an individualized program that is European in focus and inter-disciplinary in methodology.

B.Inter-American Studies. Emphasizes comparative approaches to the study of Mexico, the Caribbean, and South America, including both social science and humanities perspectives.

C.World Affairs. Emphasizes the political, economic and social condition of the world as a whole rather than just one region.

D.Other international concentrations of a regional nature (for example, Asia or the Soviet Union) or of a topical nature (for example, Economic Development), de-veloped in close consultation with an appropriate faculty adviser and with the approval of the International Studies Committee composed of the Director of International Studies and the Chairs of the individual concentrations listed above."

Unfortunately, the concentration in Inter-American studies would not be offered after 1988. Additionally, it should be noted that the coursework and educational experience of majoring in Latin American Studies would be much different than a concentration in Latin American Studies with a major in International Studies.