Border Studies Major


A photo of Dr. Linda B Hall from the 1976 Mirage Yearbook.

Beginning in 1978, Trinity would offer a major in Border Studies. Discussions regarding utilizing Trinity's location in San Antonio to offer courses about the borderlands had occurred several times, and were finally coming to fruition. In the Courses of Study Bulletin, the major is described as follows:

"Border Studies, an interdisciplinary program of study of Mexico and the United States Southwest, provides the opportunity to obtain the B.A. degree with a major in Border Studies or to obtain a certificate in Border Studies, intended to complement and supplement the majors offered in the basic curriculum. Because of the interdisciplinary nature of the program, it will be administered by a committee representing several departments."

One main stipulation for the major was that you could not also obtain a certifcate in Latin American studies, since the courses required for both were so similar. Moreover, the major also required two years of Spanish. 

Dr. Linda B. Hall was the Chairperson of the Border Studies Committee and worked at Trinity from 1978 to 1986.